How to Help UsThe Trust relies on fundraising to cover day-to-day running costs, improve facilities and pay for professional treatmentfor the sick and injured animals which arrive on our doorstep daily.There are a number of ways you can help :-Make a Donation by On Line Banking If you have an internet banking facility,you can make a donation to our account at The Bank of Scotland, 61 Hide Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 1EN using the name Berwick Swan and Wildlife Trust, sort code 12:12:57 and account number 00162702.Cheques Yes, we can still take good old fashioned cheques (made payable to BSWT)Leave a Gift in Your Will In common with other charities, legacies are an important source of funding for us, so why not speak to your legal representativewho can advise you about various ways of leaving us a gift in your will.Join The TrustOne way to help The Trust is to become a member. Your annual membership fee will be a big help. If you live locallyyou can, of course, become actively involved in The Trust’s work through fund-raising, helping out at the Swan House,serving on the committee and in many other ways. You will also receive a free copy of our 30th Anniversary booklet.So why not join us today?Annual subscription rates start at £6.50 (£3.50 concessions).For full details download the membership form (Adobe Acrobat format).Join the Trust Friends of Wildlife Scheme. Click here to find out more.Sponsor a Hedgehog Sponsor a hedgehog to help with overwintering costs. It makes a great Christmas present. Call us orspeak to us at one of our events for further details.Volunteer If you live locally you can become a volunteer to help with day to day running of the Trust. Click here to find out more.Shop Online with EasyFundraising“Easyfundraising” is an easy way to raise money for The Trust. If you already shop online with retailers suchas Amazon, Argos, EBay etc., just sign up for free to raise money while you shop. Follow the link on the left.Once you’re registered with don’t forget to log on to “Easyfundrasing” before you go shopping. Then just selectthe retailer you want and you shop directly with them as you would normally do, but with The Trust, as your favourite charity, you’llbe raising money for us as you shop. A percentage of what you spend comes directly to us at no cost to yourself, and when logged on you can see how much you’ve raised for us.“Easysearch” is an extension of Easyfundraising. Follow the link here and use the search box as you would anysearch engine like Google etc., but now you’ll raise ½ p for each search. Not much, but how often do you“Google” something in a year? It all adds up.Buy from our Amazon Wish ListIf you would prefer to make a donation in kind, follow this link to our Amazon wish list where you can buy itemsthat we need from your own Amazon account and have them automatically delivered direct to our premises.You can even use EasyFundraising at the same time!See us at Local EventsIf you live locally, come to see us at our Swan House Open Day or events we attend (e.g. BARK pet show, Spittal Seaside Festival),where you can have a go on the tombola, or see our range of gifts and clothing for sale. You can also have a chat and find out moreabout us. See the News Page to find out about these events.Look out for our Collection BoxesLook out for our collection boxes in our familiar blue livery and logo. Find them in various public premises such as shops,tourist facilities etc. in and around Berwick and the Borders. Pop in your odd change. It all adds up.If you would like to have a collection box on your premises, please get in touch and we will arrange it.