About The TrustSince 1992 the Berwick Swan and Wildlife Trust has treated and released countless swans and other sick and injured animals brought to us from as far afield as Newcastle, Edinburgh, the Lothians, and the west of Scotland. All wild creatures deserve our help, andeach one that is successfully treated and returned to the wild helps to maintain the rich variety of the natural world, and contributesto our own enjoyment of it.Why the Trust Was FormedThe initial impetus behind the creation of the Trust was to provide support for the local Berwick swan herd. It was recognised that,being concentrated in one place, a single environmental catastrophe could prove very costly to a colony of this size.It was an incident in the autumn of 1991 which led to the establishment of the Trust. A chemical spillage from a factory contaminatedmany of the swans, and only the swift action of a small band of volunteers under the direction of local vet David Rollo averted adisaster. Emergency facilities were set up and several hundred swans were captured, decontaminated and rehabilitated locally and at animal care centres before being returned to the river. In the event only a handful of swans were lost, but had it not been for thededication of this small team the story would have been very different.The sheer scale of this rescue operation highlighted the need for some form of permanent support for the swan herd, and morevolunteers were recruited to help set up a Charitable Trust which would care not only for the swans but other wildlife both north andsouth of the border. The following May the Trust was formed and local businessman William Leith kindly gave permission for a largeempty lobster shed on the quayside in Berwick to be used as a Rescue Centre.NWET Swan HouseThe Lobster Shed was soon in use, and over the next seven years over 700 swans were treated there. It was, however, only atemporary solution, and in 1998 the council announced plans to demolish the building as part of a quayside development scheme. Itwas imperative that suitable new premises were found quickly, and in March 1998 the Trust launched an appeal to raise funds to buya permanent treatment centre in Berwick. Donations flooded in, including a generous grant from Northumbrian Water EnvironmentalTrust (NWET), which finally allowed the Berwick Swan and Wildlife Trust to complete the purchase of premises on the outskirts of thetown. Named the “NWET Swan House”, it was officially opened in April 1999 by Berwick MP Alan Beith.The David Rollo CentreFollowing the death of our founder and vet David Rollo, it was decided to rename theSwan House “The David Rollo Centre” on the occasion of the Trust’s 21st birthday inJune 2013. The opening ceremony was carried out by local wildlife photographerLaurie Campbell.Without an on site vet the Trust now only carries out minor treatment under thedirection of local vets at the local Galedin surgery. Care and rehabilitation are now themajor function of the Trust. A Note about EuthanasiaOur aim is to treat and rehabilitate our wildlife patients and to return them back to the wild. However, not all our patients can betreated successfully. They often arrive in a perilous state, otherwise they would have most likely resisted rescue. It may not be fair tosubject them to treatment that may not be in their best interests or cause unnecessary suffering.If a patient is assessed by a veterinarian as requiring euthanasia, then sadly we would agree to that course of action. We know that a vet’s decision is never taken lightly and the patient’s welfare is the priority.Facilities at the CentreIn order to provide accommodation for various wildlife and sometimes to keep different speciesapart, a variety of enclosed spaces, ponds, aviaries etc. are needed indoors and out. Some ofthese have been built with the help of sponsorships. Our office fronts the road and usefully can be accessed without entering the wildliferehabilitation area. The “Surgery and Examination Room” is the first port of call for new arrivalsand this is where wildlife can receive minor treatments under direction of vets. Following onfrom that is the “Recovery Room”, which is heated to aid recovery, also used to househedgehogs too small for hibernation during the winter in so-called “tower” cages.Also indoors we have a large indoor aviary which was sponsored by the local Longridge Towersschool, our “Claw and Talon” room to house raptors in a safe, quiet environment which theyneed and our isolation room that can house any wildlife that might have an undiagnosedcondition.Our large outdoor pond with a grassy area is provided for water birds such as swans. When swans are in residence this area needsdaily cleaning and an occasional drain out and change of water. The cost of water and food for swans is a considerable drain on ourresources.A smaller pond area is suitable for ducks and gulls, but is sometimes used to separate birds that prove to be trouble makers.An outdoor under cover aviary provides a staging post between indoor and fully outdoor housing. There are several outdoor aviariesof different sizes, one of which was sponsored by Patti Lomax, widow of Eric the real life Railway Man of book and film. We also havean extra long aviary where recovering birds have room to fly and can be observed to see if they are ready to be released. CCTVcameras with infra red allow us to watch them without them being disturbed, even at night.All our cages and aviaries conform with RSPCA standards and each animal is logged in and can be traced from admittance rightthrough to release.Although visitors to the Centre are usually by appointment only, we have the occasional Open Days, when the facilities are open toview and our volunteers can explain how it all fits together. This is usually accompanied by fundraising stalls and is a useful source ofincome, so please try to attend the Open Days if you live locally.